How to Make Money on YouTube: 5 Effective Strategies

Mariam Malik
3 min readAug 27, 2023


Do you want to bring in cash through YouTube? Today, YouTube is the biggest online platform. You can use it for entertainment and earn money with your creativity and effort.

Thousands of people are making money through YouTube. From YouTube Partner Program to affiliate marketing, there are many ways to generate earnings.

Check out these five strategies to get your first income from YouTube.

YouTube Partner Program

You can earn through ads by joining the YouTube Partner Program. To become a partner of YouTube, you must have a thousand subscribers and a watch time of 4,000 hours within the past 12 months. You can check your subscribers and watch hours from the monetization option in YouTube Studio.

There are some other requirements as well:

  • Your videos must follow the monetization policy of YouTube.
  • YouTube Partner Program must be eligible in your region.
  • A Google AdSense account is required.

YouTube Premium

YouTube Premium is a paid membership with which you can watch ad-free videos. You can buy a membership and will get a portion of subscribers’ fees when they watch your content.

According to YouTube’s monetization policy, most of the income generated through the Premium membership fee will go to the creator. YouTube Premium members can download and watch your videos offline and in the background, increasing your watch time.

Sell Merchandise

You can also sell your products and merchandise via your YouTube channel, like mugs, t-shirts, and bags. Design your products and promote them in your videos. Create a website to handle your merchandise purchases and link it with your channel.

If you are a member of the YouTube Partner Program, you can also enable the shelf feature to sell your channel’s merchandise. You will get revenue when your fans buy it.

Make Sponsored Content

You can also make sponsored videos for different brands promoting their product or services, which can influence their purchases. You will probably get sponsored content if you have a large and engaged audience. You can directly contact the brands with whom you would like to work.

While doing a paid partnership with any brand, remember that you should not endorse things you don’t like, as your audience trusts you. By making sponsored content, you will get your commission based on sales of that product, and you will also get that service or product for free.

Channel Memberships

You can offer your channel memberships to your viewers to make income. Your audience can buy membership and get live chat, exclusive emojis, and badges based on monthly payments. Fans pay you $ 4.99 per month for a membership package.

There are some requirements to offer channel membership:

  • You must be a YouTube partner.
  • Your subscribers must be more than 1,000.
  • You must be above 18.
  • You must have a Community tab.


Online earning is becoming famous worldwide. Everyone wants some side source for making money to fulfill their needs. One of the best platforms to generate online income is YouTube. If you want to earn through YouTube, the above-mentioned strategies will help you. Leave a comment below about which one you think is the most effective strategy!

